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Musings with Grief ..... no. 2

Musings with grief… no. 2

I shared last time my insight about heart-broken = heart-open.

And I wrote that it opens to let your unused love flow out, which I know many people feel.

But… I’ve had another insight on this!

It’s not new though, I just didn’t really feel it to the depths it can be felt in the past.

I’ve often shared Rumi’s quote: “The wound is the place where the Light enters you”

And I thought that I *knew* what that meant…. And I did…. I ‘knew’, but that isn’t what Rumi was writing about – in my humble opinion.

I ‘knew’, because I’ve experienced much heartache from loss in the past (through death and the ending of relationships) and my heartache had lead me to my spiritual path and to understanding myself better, knowing what makes me, me etc.

BUT what I now *feel*, with every fibre of my being, is that when our broken hearts fully OPEN it’s not just to let out the love we feel…. more importantly it’s to let IN the love of the Divine.

Whether you call that god/goddess/universe/source/holy spirit, the name doesn’t matter, what matters is that you feel the connection between the ‘all that is’ and your heart.

Let that unconditional love flood your heart, your soul, your very bones, until it’s overflowing and your tears are no longer tears of sadness, but tears of joy of being loved and held.

Until you feel, deep down in your heart and soul the beauty of divine love.

Only then will you truly *know* the meaning of Rumi’s quote. It’s no good simply knowing it intellectually, you need to FEEL it.

The big question is…. What other ways are there to really feel it without your heart breaking and then opening first?....... more to ponder on another time!

[Addendum… I often get another insight whilst doing something random not long after I’ve finished writing]

What if the love that we feel from the Divine is an exchange? As our loved one returns to source and fully merges back with ‘the all that is’…. what if we’re sent something in return to help us to heal?

It’s not a condition for a loss to occur for it to be sent, but perhaps with our hearts fully open we can sense it and receive it more easily? Just another thought to ponder….

With big love to you,

  Dawn x

If any of this resonates and you’d like to join in with conversations on grief, death and dying then come and join my new FaceBook group ‘Musings on Grief’ where we will be gently exploring all of the above in a safely held container of loving support.


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