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Imbolc - Sacred Celtic Celebration of Spring

[With thanks to Glennie Kindred and her book: Sacred Earth Celebrations from where much of this information is taken. Extracts are in quotes.]

Imbolc is one of the 8 Celtic/Pagan Sabbats which honour and celebrate the changing seasons as we move through the 'Wheel of the Year'.

"This festival celebates the reawakening Earth and the potential of manifestation inherent at this time.... It's important that we listne to our intuitive selves, the inner wisdom we have gained during the winter months, as move into the more active phase of the year..." 

Imbolc falls at the end of January/beginning of February and this year (2025) will be celebrated on February 3rd.

"Candles are lit at this time to represent the return of the light as the Sun's energy begins to increase. In Celtic tradition, the Triple Goddess has become her virgin self again, known as Bride, Brigid, Brigit, the Maider, Keeper of the Sacred Fire".

The underlying energy of Imbolc

"The days are beginning to lengthen. It is still cold but buds are forthcoming on the trees. Sap is beginning to rise and the bulbs are pushing through the Earth. Everywhere there are signs of the Earth stirring. Our acceptance of winter is giving way to an urge to move frowards into springtime energy. Now is the time to inwardly prepare for the changes that will come.

Plant your ideas and leave them to germinate. Bring your visions and inner understandings out through poetry, song and art. Divination and clarivoyance are potent now as the link with the dark unconscious is still strong. 

Imbolc is the time for initiation and healing, for reclaiming what has been forgotten. It is a time for invocation of the life force and working with the dynamics of its potency. Our intuitive flashes and sparks of inspiration are needed more than ever to complement the active rational approach that dominates our western life-style. The returning active phase of the solar year brings with it an opportunity to use our Inner Fire, to unite our dynamic inner power with the fertile edge of the new year's cycle".

How to celebrate Imbolc

  • Create a simple altar using white and yellow cloths or scarves. Add some early spring flowers or twigs and light a candle at the centre. Focus on your inspirations, aspirations, dreams and visions for the coming season.
  • De-clutter! Clearing out the old to make way for the new. Clean your home. Cleanse your crsytals. Review any goals made at new year and check whether they are still relevant.
  • Make time to meditate - ask to connect with St Brigid and receive her insights and gifts for the coming year.

There are many more ways to celebrate this time and much more info in Glennie's book which I highly recommend!

Enjoy welcoming back the light :) 

Dawn x




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