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Musings with Grief ..... no. 1

grief self-reflection Jan 13, 2025

Musings with Grief..... no.1

As I've been exploring my grief this last almost 3 weeks (following the death of my ex partner
and soul-friend), I’ve received a great many insights which I've decided to share here in the hope that it may help you too... here's the first.

'Heart-broken', when you can truly and deeply lean into it is really ‘heart-open'.

Your heart opens to let your over-flowing love flow out ❤ …. more on this next time.

Your heart-ache lets you know that you're still alive, you are still here, you still have things to achieve, perhaps something that will change the world, who knows?

Your 'heart-opening' comes to propel you forward, but you mis-interpret it and it often passes as a missed opportunity.

We've usually been taught to squash it, especially through the 'British - stiff upper lip!'.

When my mum died, not long after my 20th birthday (in the summer), my personal tutor at Uni said to me (when I went back in the autumn) - 'We'll give you until Christmas to recover'! I didn't even cry properly until the following Easter, I was so numb.

We no longer know how to 'sit' with our pain, to be with it, so we swiftly move to close it down when we could be embracing it.

We could be letting it teach us our next steps and how to gently heal, instead of detatching and becoming numb to the pain, stuffing it deep down.... which only leads to it surfacing years, and many unhealthy coping strategies, later.

Yes, there will be tears. Lots of breathless tears and snotty noses.

But eventually, and for some, it won't take long, these become tears of joy. 
Joy of having known and loved the person you've lost (in the case of grief after death).

None of us are promised a long life.

Let the tears become joy at having spent time with your beloved for as long as was pre-destined in this life-time. You completed your soul mission together.

For some, you'll be able to continue your deep connection with your beloved in another form... as is my current experience ... more on that another time.

The problem is, that we've forgotten this and don't live our lives to make the most of every moment.

"The problem is that we think we've got time"

Carpe Diem folks.... carpe diem.

With big love to you as my heart is wide, wide open now ❤
Dawn x


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