Soul Alignment ~ Momentum

8 week 1:1 Programme

This is for you if: 

  • you’re a ‘woman on the edge’ who has a hit a wall and don’t know which way to turn next.
  • You’re ‘doing all the things’ and feel that you’re just spinning your wheels digging a deeper rut!
  • You feel weighed down with life and worry about the way your life is currently heading.
  • You have a vision of living a different life but feel stuck and deep down you have an inner knowing that there is ‘something else' holding you back.
  • You’ve already looked at your limiting beliefs and done some mind-set work but nothing much changes so now it’s time to go deeper.

And NOW you're ready to feel fully re-connected to your soul-essence and free to move forward towards your dream life. It’s time to take the brakes off your self-sabotage and fly!

It’s time to make decisions and take some action.

When you invest in a Soul Alignment ~ Momentum package you’ll receive….

  • Three shamanic healing sessions (retrieval, extraction and ancestral lineage clearing), to heal trauma, remove deeply stuck beliefs & patterns, and release you from soul contracts, so that you feel fully aligned with your authentic soul path, lighter, brighter, re-energised and find taking action is a breeze.
  • Two soul mentoring sessions to explore your stuckness, habits and blocks and create a 90 day soul-led action plan so that you have a clear route map to follow to reach your soul’s desires.
  • 8 weeks of 1:1 support from me and 3 months free membership of the Soulfull Living Sanctuary, giving you full access to a Library of personal and spiritual development teachings to draw on so that you can easily maintain and amplify the momentum and shift created by your 1:1 sessions.
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Testimonial from a similar (shorter) programme

I have been experiencing a lot of anxiety and self-sabotage recently and I have had shamanic healing and ancestral and past life clearing sessions with Dawn. 

I can’t even begin to tell you how good and uplifted I feel!

I practice Reiki and I am trained to Master/Teacher level, and have spent over 10 years working on myself with good results. However, the power behind shamanic healing has blown my mind. I can not recommend this treatment highly enough!! It’s has shifted some real stagnant energy from within me.

Basically my message to you all, please don’t suffer and resist your true hearts desire! Get the help to set your self and your soul free!

LM, Argyll

8 weeks 1:1 support from me including: 

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Soul Alignment Workbook


for completion before your 1:1 sessions commence

structured to aid you in evaluating where you are now with your life and  your dreams


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Powerful Transformative Shamanic Healing sessions


three shamanic healing sessions: retrieval, extraction and ancestral lineage clearing)

to heal trauma, remove deeply stuck beliefs & patterns, and release you from soul contracts, so that you feel fully aligned with your authentic soul path, lighter, brighter, re-energised and find taking action is a breeze.



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Soul Mentoring


two sessions:

one before your healing sessions to to explore your stuckness, habits and blocks

one after your healing sessions to create a 90 day soul-led action plan so that you have a clear route map to follow to reach your soul’s desires


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3 Months Soulfull Living Sanctuary Membership


giving you full access to a Library of personal and spiritual development teachings (including meditations) to draw on so that you can easily maintain and amplify the momentum and shift created by your 1:1 sessions.



2 x £197

Two instalments, 1 month apart

  • Three shamanic healing sessions
  • Two spiritual mentoring sessions
  • 8 weeks 1:1 support
  • 12 weeks Soulfull Living Sancutary membership
Buy Now

Pay in Full


1 immediate payment

  • Three shamanic healing sessions
  • Two spiritual mentoring sessions
  • 8 weeks 1:1 support
  • 12 weeks Soulfull Living Sancutary membership
Book Now

Deep, soul based work has been the most transformative for my life and it's my pleasure to be able to support you to have the same experience - or better!

Claim your place now - I only work with a small number of clients at a time on this programme so get in touch to check availability.

If you would like to discuss in more detail whether the Soul Alignment ~Momentum Package is for you then please get in touch via my Contact Page.

 With loving support,

  Dawn x

Hi, I'm Dawn Petherick,

I support 'women on the edge' (and some men too!).

You'll know if you're a 'woman on the edge' because you'll likely be feeling stuck in life, or a bit lost. Not sure where you're heading but at the same time feeling an inner longing to change and for something more. 

This was me twenty years ago and I've spent the time since then raising my self awareness, getting to know ME and what I value, connecting to my divine, higher self and my spiritual guides. I've invested £000's in my own personal and spiritual development and have been supporting women to do the same for the last 10 years. 

It's an ongoing journey as we continually grow and develop and I still pinch myself that this now my full time 'work' - not that it feels like work! 

I support you through retreats (hopefully in person again soon!), my Soulfull Living Sanctuary monthly membership group, 1:1 therapeutic sessions and workshops/trainings.

I look forward to 'meeting' you on this virutal 'at-home' retreat

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